Nice job with the graphics and animation. Damnable outwar bastards...
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Nice job with the graphics and animation. Damnable outwar bastards...
What is the Program?
What is the name of the program you are using? It will look very nice if you make it longer and give it a storyline.
Don't be lazy...
This stuff is great, i used to watch these on the author's website all the time, and i wanted to see it on newgrounds, only thing to make this better is a higher score
Pretty Interesting
I liked the skill used in making the fighting scenes, but i had to squint a bit to see it. Next time perhaps focus on enlarging the fighting parts, even though it requires more work, it would be worth it. Nice ending.
P.S. -One of my old movies was named almost exactly like this one. Actually a lot of people used this name, where did you come up with the idea? not from a certain halo movie thing eh?
This movie was very interesting, especially the continueing fight between the 2 figures after their deaths!
This series is what had inspired me to make flash in the first place, great stuff!
"Noimosyni mesa arthro mati peri arthro theatis"
Age 36, Male
Liberal High School
Liberal, KS
Joined on 10/23/03